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How to Dress for the
Victorian Streetwalk

{From the 2023 Christmas Newsprint Magazine}
Written by Megin Potter | Photo by @rebekahbethany

The more people who dress for the Victorian Street Walk, the more it adds to the collective magic we’re trying to create, said Saratoga Springs Reference Librarian Caitlin Sheldon, the historical costumer known as @theVictorianArchivist on Instagram. 

Ready yourself  to welcome the Holiday Season on Thursday, Nov. 30th, 6 p.m.-9 p.m. at the Saratoga Springs Downtown Business Association’s traditional Christmas Tree Lighting and Victorian Streetwalk with the collective costuming wisdom of Sheldon and her creative colleagues:

Tip #1: Decide on a Decade

During the Victorian Era (the period after Queen Victoria ascended the throne in 1837 extending into the 20th century) skirts evolved from Jane Eyre simplicity, into enormous cupcake crinolines by mid-century, then, by late-century, colossal bustles had come into fashion.

Tip #2: Fake Everything Underneath the Outer Layer

During this brisk evening outing, the most important Victorian piece to acquire is a spectacular bodice or coat. Stay warm by wearing layers of long skirts and comfortable walking shoes. 

Scour thrift stores for affordable pieces and to create that iconic hourglass silhouette, opt for modern corsets and undergarments (like hip accentuators) made from inexpensive fabrics, or improvise like Heather Hanson (@fyrelocks_sews) did, by belting on a stuffed purse as a bustle to prop up her skirts. 

Tip #3: Accessorize

Attach haberdashery to natural fiber garments (in understated solid colors, plaids, or pinstripes), then transport them into turn-of-the-century attire by adding an elegant updo hairstyle, jaunty hat, fitted gloves, fur muff, antique brooch, amazing cane, or sophisticated timepiece. 

Get inspired and find low-cost costume hacks on Instagram @rebekahbethany and @redherringcostuming.